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Goran Juric Art

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46% of plastic produced is packaging, used just once and then discarded. Scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made and put the number at 8.3 billion tonnes.

The 8.3 billion tonnes is as heavy as 25,000 Empire State Buildings in New York, or a billion elephants.

It is an astonishing mass of material that has essentially been created only in the last 65 years or so.

Half of this material was made in just the past 13 years.

Current trends point to 12 billion tonnes of waste by 2050.

None of the commonly used plastics are biodegradable. As a result, they accumulate, rather than decompose, in landfills or the natural environment

Packaging accounted for 46 percent of global plastic waste generation.


As an industrial designer, I research packaging in supply chains, and as a painter, I present my conclusions on a painting canvas.
I thank Stephen Duncombe, Professor of Media and Culture at New York University, for his selfless help in this project.
Here are five suggestions that can help reduce the amount of plastic and paper in the environment by several percent.



Some plastic packaging has more parts than needed or the components are too large. Not because of its function, but to impress us. Are you impressed?


Date of measurement: 05.03.2022.

Hundreds of products in plastic packaging in supply chains have oversized plastic elements.

Inspection services should mark this as problematic.

If we look at the spray nozzle of a spray bottle from 1985 and compare it to the present one, we will notice that the volume and weight of the nozzle has tripled. Not because of its function, but to impress us. Only 4 grams of plastic is enough for aesthetically pleasing and fully functional elements on spray bottles; however, most spray can packaging has an average of 10 grams of plastic, which is not environmentally friendly. It is similar to another packaging such as packaging for shampoos, cosmetics, food. The topic of "shampoo packaging" is in preparation.

We urge marketing strategists and designers to abandon this practice due to the unnecessary increase of plastic in the environment.

Hundreds of products in plastic packaging in supply chains have oversized plastic elements.

If we look at the spray nozzle of a spray bottle from 1985 (right) and compare it to the present one, we will notice that the volume and weight of the nozzle has tripled.

The photo shows the giant plastic liquid pump on shelves in supply chains. However, excessive use of plastic to make this pump is detrimental to the environment.

If we reduce the size of the components in our plastic packaging to the necessary minimum, we will have less plastic in the environment later on.

Some winemakers put plastic labels on bottles. Not because of their function, but to impress us. Are you impressed?

Wine labels are traditionally made of paper. Competition among winemakers is fierce, and some winemakers have recently opted to make transparent plastic labels. Not because of their function, but to impress us.

Did you know that today's printing technology allows you to print labels directly on the packaging? This means that almost all self-adhesive labels on the packaging are unnecessary, whether it is glass, metal, or plastic packaging for food, drinks, or other.

Let's send them a message: “Plastic on bottles is not environmentally friendly – give up on that idea!”

Did you know that today's printing technology allows you to print labels directly on the packaging? This means that almost all self-adhesive labels on the packaging are unnecessary.

Some plastic packaging is in a cardboard box for no reason. Not because of its function, but to impress us. Are you impressed?

Some cosmetic products are put in plastic packaging, then placed in an exclusive cardboard box wrapped in an additional clear plastic wrap. The container in which the product is stored often has thick or double walls to make the product look larger. Sometimes a cardboard box is much larger than the product itself. Most cardboard boxes containing the product are unnecessary.

This approach to the environment is harmful in two ways: it leads to plastic pollution and deforestation. Cardboard boxes as packaging for plastic packaging have no other function than to impress us.

We urge manufacturers not to offer oversized plastic packaging or cardboard or paper boxes as an addition to existing packaging.

Most cardboard boxes containing the product are unnecessary.

Some labels on beverage bottles are too big. Not because of their function, but to impress us. Are you impressed?

What Are Shrink Sleeves? Shrink sleeves are a specific type of product label that is essentially heat-wrapped around an entire product, such as a bottle or can. These labels completely conform to the shape of the product or container. Shrink sleeve labels are MADE OF PLASTIC MATERIAL.

This trend is unacceptable. The use of plastic to achieve impressive packaging encourages plastic accumulation and deforestation. Whether it is a plastic or paper label, new ecological approaches are needed where the surfaces of the labels are reduced to the minimum required.

Leaflets and brochures of shopping malls consume large amounts of paper. Not because of their function, but to impress us. Are you impressed?

Leaflets and brochures of shopping malls consume large amounts of paper, so they should be made in a digital version for mobile phones or desktops.

The UN projects that the world’s population, now about 7.8 billion, will add about two billion more by 2050, primarily in Asia and Africa. Globally, the middle class is anticipated to expand by 400 million households by 2039—and that is where the plastics market growth will occur.

Comprehensive reform in the packaging system is necessary in order to redirect the packaging design and structure towards the environmentally friendly packaging.

Marketing strategists and designers create packaging which is highly creative and which contains aesthetically pleasing visual elements. The quality of the material is high, the colour palette is original or the photo is unforgettable. Designers try to “enchant customers”, but too often this happens at the expense of the environment because there are no environmental guidelines or rules on the type and number of materials used in product design.

Packaging designers focus on creating impressive packaging, instead of designing environmentally friendly packaging.

As a result, consumers often perceive packaging as “finished works of art” rather than as product containers that are not environmentally friendly.

• It is necessary to encourage founders, marketing strategists and designers to change the current model where the aesthetics and attractiveness of packaging are at the cost of environmental friendliness. The share of plastic and paper in everyday packaging needs to be reduced until new, innovative, environmentally friendly packaging solutions are available.

• It is necessary to design campaigns which will educate customers that the packaging should be valued for its environmental friendliness and not only for its beauty and attractiveness.

Call For Project Support

We invite you to ask questions on our social networks and share your views, experiences, and insights related to this topic.

We also invite you to help support our project financially, which will enable us to keep our campaign alive and fighting.

Our IBAN is: HR5224840083222394606

Or you can order an original artwork.
These pieces are inspired and influenced by the American pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. You can also get yourself one of our large-format Hand painted acrylic canvas, Print on canvas, or Print on paper.
